What library resources and services are available to me as a distance education/online student?


You have access to nearly all the same library resources and services that a student attending classes on campus has--librarians can help you with research or citations, staff can help you with your library account, and more.

You can access research materials via our OneSearch catalog and through the CSM Library's online databases.

Accessing library resources does not require a library card. From off-campus students use your OneLogin/MySMCCD account to access online library resources.

However, some resources are not available online. Common examples include course reserve textbooks, DVDs, and special archival materials, etc. These can only be accessed in person at the library. Please contact us if you are having trouble finding what you need, so we can assist you.

  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2024
  • Views 34
  • Answered By CSM Librarian

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