I am CSM faculty. How do I place items on reserve for my class?
The purpose of course reserves at the library is to provide students access to course texts for limited periods of time to encourage use by many students who may need access to a course text in order to make copies, read a chapter, or complete homework while in the library. The course reserve system is designed to give some access to textbooks to all students; the library is not able to provide required books for all classes for all students, or class sets for specific courses.
Most library course reserves are available to students for in-library use for 2 hours at a time, but some instructors request that a text circulate for as long as one week. The circulation options are:
- 2 hours (in library use only)
- 3 hours (in library use only)
- 1 day
- 3 days
- 7 days
CSM faculty can use the Course Reserve form to place instructor-owned items on reserve. Complete the form and bring your materials to the library: https://smccd-czqfp.formstack.com/forms/csmlibrary_reserve_request.
Please keep in mind that the CSM Library does not make purchases to fulfill course reserve requests, so please plan on bringing in a personal copy (can be returned at the end of the semester) or confirm that the Library owns the requested material by checking the catalog.
Electronic materials cannot currently be reserved for a specific class for specific lengths of time, but many of our online resources allow for simultaneous multiple use. Please speak with a CSM Librarian if you have questions about a text or online resource.