How do I login to my OneSearch account?


  1. Login using the "Sign in" link at the top right of the OneSearch screen.

OneSearch Sign in

  1. Select the appropriate login option

login screen

There are two login options, depending on which type of account you have.

  • Current students, faculty, and staff of one of the colleges or the college district login using their single sign on college credentials used for all OneLogin accounts, including Canvas, Zoom, etc. If you are a college or district employee who does not have a OneLogin account (for example short term employees), login using the community members method.
  • Community members, including members of the Peninsula Library System, who have a OneSearch account login with their OneSearch account credentials and password, which may be set to include any of the following, according to your preferences when you create your account
    • OneSearch account number (everyone will be assigned one of these by default)
    • PLS Library card number (you may need to register your PLS library card number)
    • Other user name or id
    • Please note that the password is unique to your OneSearch account, and is not necessarily the same as your PLS account



  • Last Updated Feb 09, 2023
  • Views 70
  • Answered By CSM Librarian

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