How can I return technology borrowed from the CSM Library?
Borrowed a laptop from the Library? Learn where to return it.
Technology such as laptops, Chromebooks, headphones, or other tech-related items borrowed from the CSM Library must be returned in person to the CSM Library; these items cannot be returned to library book drops or to PLS (San Mateo City/College) libraries.
Please visit the College of San Mateo Library during open hours to return your technology.
- If you have questions please contact the CSM Circ Desk at (650) 574-6548 or the CSM Library Reference Desk.
- If you are trying to return material during one of CSM recesses or other time when the library is closed, please be patient and wait until the library reopens.
- If your technology is overdue it is still important that you return these items in person; returning them in any other manner can cause damage that could result in a charge.
- If you are worried about returning items late or if there is any kind of block on your record because of overdue items, please contact the CSM Library Circulation Desk for assistance at (650) 574-6548.
Please note: Technology cannot be kept between semesters as library staff need to do routine maintenance on the technology to prepare it for the following semester; please contact the library is you are experiencing extenuating circumstances that may delay your return. Keeping technology without informing the library staff may impact technology borrowing privileges. All CSM Library Technology must be returned to College of San Mateo.