Can I borrow books from Skyline College Library or Cañada College Library?


Yes! You can use their OneSearch catalogs to locate materials, place your hold, then schedule your pick-up at any of the three campuses:

  1. Use the OneSearch catalogs at either Cañada College Library or the Skyline College Library  to locate your items
  2. Sign into your account using your OneLogin credentials.
  3. Browse the search results and locate the item you would like to place a hold on. Click on the title of the item to see more detail.
  4. Under "Get It" click "Request for Pick-up"
  5. Select the location you would like to pick-up at
  6. Click "Send Request"
  7. Once you've requested your item check your email to learn when it's available for pick-up when it is available; items being sent from one campus to another can take several day so don't go to the library until you receive a confirmation.
  • Last Updated Jan 31, 2024
  • Views 32
  • Answered By CSM Librarian

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